
Notes to share from 2010 Gatherings

July 15, 2010:
To be added

April 15, 2010:
To be added

March 15, 2010:


We had a fun group of 5 bodyworkers gather at Bob Evans talking and laughing over deserts and dinners.

We talked about the 1100+ post cards just mailed out to all the massage therapists in WV. The cards contained information about upcoming classes, information about an esthetician, and this Gathering web site. A tool on the web site indicates that the postcard did spread the Gathering information, as well as increase class attendances.

We are excited to share the news that there is now interest in starting Gatherings in new areas - Buckhannon, the northern panhandle, the eastern panhandle, and Parkersburg! It would be wonderful to see Gatherings begin also in Charleston, Huntington, and Beckley (as well as any other areas where y'all might want to gather). If you are interested in gathering with other bodyworkers in your area and want to share that information in this web site, send me an e-mail with the details (SerenityNancy@gmail.com).

A few upcoming events were discussed, including the World Massage Festival in Berea, KY in June (see http://www.worldmassagefestival.com/)

Two new liability insurance companies for bodyworkers were discovered. They are listed in the "Insurance" section below.

Nancy Castro recently adopted another adult dog, and shared information about a video she found in the Marion County Public Library, "Ttouch - a revolutionary approach to dog training" by Linda Tellington-Jones. It's an interesting approach to gentle training, healing and communicating through, of course, touch. It also has applications to touching humans, not just dogs.

The April 15th Gathering will be breakfast in Fairmont (see details above). There's some discussion about an August 15th state-wide Gathering picnic and outdoor massage trade (centrally located in Flatwoods?). Let me know if you have any interest in this idea (SerenityNancy@gmail.com).

February 15, 2010: Due to injuries, work schedules, and especially weather, we had a small but still fun group of 3 bodyworkers gather at Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Fairmont for breakfast - with a very entertaining food server by the name of Penny.

We discussed the CPR class coming up on February 27th. If you plan to attend, please tell Debbie Thompson IMMEDIATELY so she can add you to the growing list. See "Continuing Ed Opportunities" below for details.

Given the extreme winter weather we've had lately, it was natural for the talk to turn to the subject of snow and ice removal as well as the use of kitty litter, salt, and calcium to keep our parking and walking areas safe for clients. Is your office area safe? Do you walk your clients to/from their vehicles? And are YOU safe as you move around your office facility?

The primary topic of conversation was about our businesses - how to keep them growing, public speaking, recharging ourselves and our offices, dealing with business associates, being responsible for our own practices, balancing the many aspects of our lives, the need to set boundaries, the value of networking, and so forth. We had such an enjoyable time together, that we extended our breakfast for 2 hours.

January 15, 2010: We had a delightful group of 9 bodyworkers meet at and tour the new offices of Chrissy Zeltner, LMT, in Fairmont, then moved next door to the Dutchman's Daughter Restaurant and enjoyed good dinners and great service from our extremely accommodating food server, Jessica.

Great news that word of this web site and the Gatherings is getting more widely distributed, as it is now included in some AMTA and PERG publications!

Valarie Dunlevy announced a change in her teaching schedule. The "Introduction to Thai Massage" class original scheduled to start on March 19th, has been moved one week to March 26th. Nancy Castro announced that the CPR class specifically designed for the needs of massage therapists has been scheduled to be held on February 27th - to be taught by American Red Cross and facilitated by Debbie Thompson. See "Continuing Ed Opportunities" below for details.

There were discussions about scam e-mails directed to massage therapists, how to handle "no-shows", and various classes and CEU issues, as well as other smaller conversations around the tables as folks got to know one another.

The primary discussion was of particular interest to the newer therapists - how have we successfully brought new clients to our practices. A number of great ideas floated around the room, and we'd love to gather them in writing and include them on this web site. Send yours to SerenityNancy@gmail.com and they'll be added to the "Discussions, anyone?" section below.

In closing, Chrissy Zeltner told us about the Patagonia Wild and Scenic Film Festival coming to the Warner Theatre in Morgantown at 7:pm on February 16th. The cost is only $8 and will help clean up West Virginia rivers.

Thank you, Chrissy, for opening up your new offices to us, and for hosting our Gathering!